Knowing how to motivate employees can mean the difference between a thriving business and a failing one. Since a large percentage of people would rather be doing something else other than their current work, motivating them can be quite the challenge. This isn't an impossible task however. This article will give you a few ideas on how you can help increasing productivity in the workplace in order to improve your bottom line.
As you may know, there are different types of employees. Not everyone will be motivated the same way. For some people, a bonus can do the trick. For others, more money won't really do much at all and if it does, it will only be temporary. The first step to knowing how to motivate your employees is to realize that everyone works for a reason. Sometimes it's just for a paycheck but many times, it's more than that.
For some people, all it takes is a, "Hey, thanks for doing such a great job on that last project." For others it may take a public recognition such as receiving an award for something in front of their coworkers. Some people can get these things and will still be unmotivated to work. For them, becoming motivated could mean having to really feel that what they do is making a difference, that they are somehow responsible for the success of the company. here’s a few tips you should try to motivate your employees :
Set daily goals.
Motivate your lazy worker by giving him daily goals to complete. Start off with three clear tasks and build upon them. Be sure to check in on him throughout the day to see his progress. If he isn't making much headway, find out why. By asking him a few questions, you will keep him accountable and show you are serious.
Identify his passion.
What turns your lazy worker on? Is he techie or a sports lover? Find a way to combine his passion with the job. By doing so, you will get him excited about work. He will take more charge of his career and be the kind of employer you want.
Provide regular feedback.
Another way to motivate a lazy worker is by giving him feedback. Meet regularly with him to discuss his impact on the workplace. Provide examples of how his actions affect the team and management. Give him the good, bad and ugly of his performance, so he has a vivid picture of how he fits in with the company.
Praise his achievements.
When you see your lazy worker turning himself around and succeeding, praise him. Verbally laud his behavior. Give him a Starbucks card. Take him to lunch. Let him experience the joy of being on top.
Give him consequences.
A final way to motivate a lazy worker is to give him consequences. Don't let your feelings for him keep you from showing him the door. No one deserves to be paid for doing nothing - or much of nothing. Make this concept clear to your employee. After the initial warning and write up, he'll either tow the line or give you the opportunity to replace him.
Bosses - use these five tips to motivate your lazy worker. You may be surprised to find out how much he can offer the company when challenged in the "right" way.
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